John A. Logan men's basketball star Sean East won the NJCAA Player of the Year award on Friday.  He joined Sportsvoice the next day and talked with Mike Murphy, Scott Hudson, and Dave McKenzie:


Mike Reis joined Sportsvoice on Saturday and talked with Mike Murphy, Matt Varney, Dave McKenzie, and multiple Saluki fans about his decision to step away from the mic.  They also reminisced about the past and had plenty of laughs


Photo courtesy of Christopher Kays

The Southern Illinoisan announced their prep football player of the year on Saturday.  It's Keegan Glover, quarterback of Benton.  Mike Murphy and Scott Hudson talked about the senior quarterback and the selection:


There was no bigger news to start Saturday morning's Sportsvoice off than the St. Louis Cardinals trading for Nolan Arenado.  Mike Murphy, Scott Hudson, and DH break the move down and talk to listeners in the first segment of Sportsvoice Saturday morning


Photo from
