Saturday morning, Benton golf coach Reggie Norman joined Mike Murphy and Rick Hayes to talk about the fantastic season the powerhouse Rangers have had so far, their 2A regional crown, and more:


Monday night was Herrin Girls Basketball's first game back from a COVID pause.  The Tigers beat Murphysboro 59-24 behind a career-best 26 from Presli Karnes.

John Homan spoke with coach Chris Roberts and Karnes after the game:


Chris Roberts - 00:00

Presli Karnes - 1:31


Plenty of topics of discussion this week with the NHL season starting and an explosive Week 8 of the high school football season!


The Herrin Tigers were selected as the team of the week this past Saturday after their first ever Eldorado Holiday Tournament championship.  Matt Varney and coach Sayler Shurtz sit down and discuss the huge EHT victory, as well as the youth that Herrin has:
