Green Party Candidate for Illinois' 12th Congressional District Paula Bradshaw joins us to discuss her campaign.
WJPF Morning Newswatch
Paula Bradshaw 09-29-2014
Mon-Fri 12:00 a.m. - 5:00 a.m.
Sat & Sun 12:00 a.m. - 6:00 a.m.
Studio Line: (800) 825-5033
Green Party Candidate for Illinois' 12th Congressional District Paula Bradshaw joins us to discuss her campaign.
Michael Zalewski is the State Representative of the 23rd District. He spoke with Tom Miller about House Bill 2343, which would define and regulate fantasy sports services in Illinois.
State Sen. Dave Luechtefeld joins Tom Miller on the Morning Newswatch to discuss the upcoming election and his appointment to a state commission to study the state's school funding formula.
J.R. Russell of the Marion Ministerial Alliance joins Tom Miller to announce the headliner for the annual fundraising concert "Will Rock for Food."