Green Party Candidate for Illinois' 12th Congressional District Paula Bradshaw joins us to discuss her campaign.
Green Party Candidate for Illinois' 12th Congressional District Paula Bradshaw joins us to discuss her campaign.
State Rep. and Republican Congressional Candidate Mike Bost joins us.
Executive Director of the Murphysboro Chamber of Commerce, Bruce Wallace, joins us to discuss this weekend's BBQ Championship and Murphysboro Blues Festival.
Republican State Senator David Luechtefeld joins us to discuss the November election and the possibility of the Sparta World Shooting Complex falling into the hands of the private sector.
Mark 'Skip' Cosgrove joins us to discuss the response to the Traveling Vietnam Memorial Wall last weekend.
Former Williamson County State's Attorney Charles Garnati joins us in studio, just a week after his retirement.
State Rep. and Republican Congressional candidate Mike Bost joins us.
Ken Carr with the Murphysboro Apple Festival committee joins us to discuss this year's festival.
Dr. Daniel Correa joins us to discuss cardiovascular health.
Democratic U.S. Rep. Bill Enyart joins us to discuss his reaction to the President's plan for Syria and Iraq.