
Dr. Suven Shankar 01-08-2016

Tom Miller sits down with Dr. Suven Shankar, Surgical Oncologist with SIH to discuss surgeries in relation to Cancer.

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Colleen Daley 01-08-2015

Tom Miller discusses gun control with Colleen Daley, Executive Director of the Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence.

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Steve O'Keefe/Barry Hancock 01-07-2016

Tom Miller sits down with Steve O'Keefe, John A. Logan College Marketing Director, along with Dr. Barry Hancock, JALC Dean for Community Education about what the institution faces in regards to state funding.

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Richard Pearson 01-07-2016


Executive Director of the Illinois State Rifle Association, Richard Pearson discusses with Tom Miller about President Obama's executive orders concerning gun control.

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Will Stephens 01-06-2015

Tom Miller sits down with Murphysboro Mayor Will Stephens to discuss the city's balanced budget for 2016.

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Evelyn Sanguinetti 01-06-2016

Tom Miller speaks with Lt. Governor Evelyn Sanguinetti about Gov. Bruce Rauner's task force which seeks to find governmental bodies which can be consolidated. Lt. Gov. Sanguinetti leads that task force.

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Mike Henry 01-05-2016

Tom Miller sits down with Carbondale Mayor Mike Henry to discuss plans for city businesses in 2016.

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David England 01-05-2016

Tom Miller sits down with David England, retired Finance Professor to discuss the state of the economy in the new year.

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John Shimkus 01-04-2016

Tom Miller discusses the flooding situation in Southern IL, along with President Obama's potential executive order regarding guns with Congressman John Shimkus.

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Mike Bost 01-04-2016

Tom Miller sits down with Congressman Mike Bost to discuss potential federal funding for flooding relief.

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