
Brent Gentry 04-27-2016

Brent Gentry is a commissioner for Williamson County. He joined Tom Miller in the studio to discuss the lawsuit filed this past December against the state of Illinois by Williamson County for salary reimbursements, and whether that money has been coming in.

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Jim Chilsen 04-27-2016

Jim Chilsen is with the Citizens Utility Board, and he spoke with Tom Miller regarding the rate decrease from Ameren among other topics.

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Steve Frattini 04-26-2016

Herrin Mayor Steve Frattini joined Tom Miller in the studio to discuss the new changes made from the city council meeting on Monday night, as well as the upcoming HerrinFesta Italiana.

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Tom Gaither & John Jones 04-26-2016

Tom Gaither and John Jones are with HOOAH Deer Hunt for Heroes, a program aiding wounded veterans. They joined Tom Miller in the studio to discuss what the program provides for veterans in order to help them heal mentally and physically.

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Sheila Simon 04-25-2016

Former Lieutenant Governor, Sheila Simon is now running for the 58th Senate Seat. She joined Tom Miller in the studio this morning to discuss her race for Senator Luechtefeld's seat in the November election.

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John Bradley 04-25-2016

State Representative John Bradley spoke with Tom Miller concerning the $600 million stop gap bill for higher education that's expected to be signed by the Governor today, as well as the multiple proposals for tax increases that have been sent.

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Paul Schimpf 04-22-2016

Paul Schimpf is the Republican candidate for 58th Senate Seat. He joined Tom Miller in the studio to discuss certain issues the state has faced, and share his opinions on the recent bills being pushed, including the graduated tax measure.

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Frank Caruso 04-22-2016

Frank Caruso of the Christian Motorcyclist Association spoke with Tom Miller to discuss the Blessing of the Bikes scheduled for Sunday, April 24 at dawn at Bald Knob Cross of Peace in Alto Pass.

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Randy Dunn 04-21-2016

SIU President Randy Dunn stopped by the studio to discuss the higher education funding plans debated by state lawmakers, as well as the recent graffiti on SIU's Faner Hall regarding a protest organized by an anonymous student group.

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Julee Jordan 04-21-2016

Julee Jordan is with T.M.A.D. (Teens Making a Difference), and she-along with other guests- joined Tom Miller in the studio to talk about the big upcoming event: the Taste of Herrin Family Festival on April 23rd.

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