Zac Westcott retired the first 19 batters he faced in Tuesday night's series opener against the West Division leading Florence Y'alls.  That performance led to a 5-1 victory.  Hear comments from both Westcott and skipper Mike Pinto after the game:


Zac Westcott w/ John Homan 0:00

Mike Pinto w/ Dave McKenize 1:52


Take a listen to some of the big plays near the end of Monday night's game and hear Dave McKenzie speak with Head Coach Matt Crain and his three seniors, Jeniah Thompson, Megan Barton, and his daughter Abbey Crain.

If you want to watch the entire game with Dave's commentary click here


Thursday the #6 John A. Logan Volunteers limited #8 Vincennes to just 41 points in a 53-41 contest.  That ended up being the lowest point total by a Vincennes team since 1951.  Mike Murphy found a way to talk with the traveling head coach of the Vols on the broadcast's postgame show and get his thoughts on the win:


Coach Wendell Wheeler of the Cobden Appleknockers talks with Matt Varney about their 18-0 season, being ranked the top team in 1A in the final AP Poll of the season, and some of the players in Cobden:
