Zac Westcott retired the first 19 batters he faced in Tuesday night's series opener against the West Division leading Florence Y'alls.  That performance led to a 5-1 victory.  Hear comments from both Westcott and skipper Mike Pinto after the game:


Zac Westcott w/ John Homan 0:00

Mike Pinto w/ Dave McKenize 1:52


Herrin AD Andrew Anderson joined Sportsvoice on Saturday and discussed with Murf and Hudson the return of the Herrin-Marion rivalry in football.  The two teams will play on Saturday August 28th and will be heard on 103.5 ESPN!


Johnston City defeated Fairfield 28-26 in Week 3 of the football season, ending a 37 game winning streak in the Black Diamond for the Mules.  Indians head coach Todd Thomas and Matt Varney talk about that victory, the team's offense, the upcoming weeks, and more:


Benton basketball coach Ron Winemiller sat down with Matt Varney on Wednesday to discuss the Benton Summer Shootout, the outlook for the team and the SIRR Ohio Division, as well as Benton's impending shift to the Mississippi Division:
