Take a listen to some of the big plays near the end of Monday night's game and hear Dave McKenzie speak with Head Coach Matt Crain and his three seniors, Jeniah Thompson, Megan Barton, and his daughter Abbey Crain.

If you want to watch the entire game with Dave's commentary click here


Carbondale Athletic Director Mark Albertini and Matt Varney discuss the Carbondale Holiday Tournament's fate and the new Route 13 Christmas Tournament.  We also get an update on the Carbondale Basketball Head Coach search:


Photo Cred: Paul Brinker//Brinker Photography


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We talked to Saluki senior center Barret Benson about the Dawgs' current win streak, his history with the Mullins family, and his role as a senior leader on a club full of newcomers.


Photo Credit to siusalukis.com

Matt Varney talked with Nick Hill on the first teleconference of the football preseason on Saturday.  Take a listen:
