Nick Hill held his weekly press conference on Monday and discussed with Matt Varney the Salukis' early season success and Saturday's game at SEMO. Take a listen!
Nick Hill held his weekly press conference on Monday and discussed with Matt Varney the Salukis' early season success and Saturday's game at SEMO. Take a listen!
The Benton Rangerettes were selected as the Team of the Week in Week 11 of the Basketball season after they defeated Hamilton County in their Regional Final 36-19. Head Coach Andy Sloan talked with Matt Varney about that game, the future for the program, and more:
Talkin Vols wrapped the men's basketball season up on Tuesday's episode. Mike Murphy visited with Golf Coach Tom Ferris, Assistant Baseball coach Patrick Morey, and men's basketball coach Kyle Smithpeters.
00:00 - Tom Ferris
11:41 - Patrick Morey
20:10 - Kyle Smithpeters
New John A. Logan women's basketball Charlie Jones joined Talkin Vols Sports on the season opening show. He talked with Mike Murphy and Dave McKenzie about his new role with John A. Logan College, what he's bringing from his time with the men's program, expectations for the upcoming season for the women's program, and more.