State Senator David Luechtefeld (R-Okawville) joins Tom Miller for conversation on happenings in IL politics during Gov. Rauner's first month in office.
WJPF Morning Newswatch
David Luechtefeld 01-26-2015
State Senator David Luechtefeld (R-Okawville) joins Tom Miller for conversation on happenings in IL politics during Gov. Rauner's first month in office.
Illinois State Senator Dale Fowler (R-Harrisburg) joins The Morning Newswatch.
Tom Miller sits down with IDOT Engineer Keith Roberts to discuss upcoming construction projects around Southern Illinois.
Tom Miller and IL State Sen. Dave Luechtefeld (R-Okawville) discuss the Senate's plan to reject a 2% cost-of-living adjustment to their pay, as well as the ongoing budget crisis.