CARBONDALE, Ill. – Commencement ceremonies for fall 2021 graduates at Southern Illinois University Carbondale are set to return to Banterra Center on Dec. 11.

In an effort to keep graduates and their guests safe, two separate ceremonies – broken down by colleges and schools – are planned. Commencement will be compliant with the Restore Illinois Plan. The university is committed to protecting the community, so all graduates and their guests must follow current campus and state pandemic safety protocols and wear masks in shared indoor spaces.

At this time, there is no limit to guests, and all seating will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis with no ticket required.

The university held a virtual commencement in December 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In-person ceremonies were held outdoors at Saluki Stadium in May 2021.

The fall commencement schedule for December 2021 graduates is:

11 a.m. ceremony

College of Agricultural, Life, and Physical Sciences.

  • College of Business and Analytics.
  • College of Engineering, Computing, Technology, and Mathematics.
  • School of Law.
  • School of Medicine.

2 p.m. ceremony

  • College of Arts and Media.
  • College of Health and Human Sciences.
  • College of Liberal Arts.
  • School of Education

For additional information, go to

By PETE ROSENBERY for SIU Media Services

