WJPF- Murray Energy Corporation is again suing the EPA against its utility MACT rule, the Mercury and Air Toxics Standards.
In June of 2015, the U.S. Supreme Court had ruled in favor of Murray Energy when they mandated that the EPA consider the costs of the air pollution regulations before circulating it.
Murray Energy submitted its complaint Monday to the Court of Appeals for the D.C. circuit. In a press release, the energy company states,“There is no doubt…that the Obama EPA is unable to justify the illegal Utility MACT Rule through any analysis that actually weighs the cost against the benefits, which is why they never did any analysis in the first place. This is a fatal error that will require the Courts to strike down this finding.”
Their statement continues, “the Obama EPA plainly refuses to consider the costs of its decision in light of the available alternatives to inflexible and cost-blind federal standards that Murray Energy identified in its comments.”
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